
Doctorate in Philosophy

The Doctoral Program in Philosophy trains independent researchers who contribute to the deep, rigorous and systematic reflection of the person, his free acts and his life in political society, as well as to develop the capacity of reflection from the classical principles of Philosophy and the applied development in the areas of research.



PhD/Doctor in Philosophy

Application Period

Coming soon


8 semesters

Start Date

March 2024



Dr. Cristián Hodge C.
Program Director
Dra. Macarena Solari T.
Academic Secretary

Description of the program

The Doctorate in Philosophy at Universidad San Sebastián was created under the auspices of the Institute of Philosophy, an academic unit whose main purpose is the cultivation of philosophy through teaching, research and extension, promoting permanent and open interdisciplinary dialogue with faith, science, technology and culture, forming people willing to seek and promote the good, truth and beauty.

One of the strengths of this program is the composition of its academic staff, which supports interdisciplinarity and territorial integration due to their belonging.

The academic faculty is composed of academics belonging to the Schools of Psychology, Law and Government, Educational Sciences, Economics and Business, and the Institutes of History and Philosophy. The academic staff participating in the program is of the highest level, with stable and recognized lines of research, supported by the quality of their publications and international recognition.

The Doctorate in Philosophy addresses from different perspectives the major issues and problems of our time, through a deep, rigorous and systematic reflection, thus contributing to the generation of new knowledge.

This PhD is based on the need to continue reflecting on our existence, its challenges and problems, contributing to the search for answers from the philosophical tradition of the philosophy of being, and is aimed at professionals, graduates and masters who wish to deepen with philosophical rigor in the great questions that for centuries have troubled and continue (pre) occupying the human being. In response to this, the program places special emphasis on the link between Philosophy and current reality, developing four lines of research, namely: Philosophy of Education, Philosophy of Economics, Political Philosophy and Social Ethics.”

Objectives of the Program

Main objective

The Doctoral Program in Philosophy aims to train independent researchers for the generation of new knowledge that contributes to deep, rigorous and systematic reflection on the person, his free acts and his life in political society. In this way, it will be sought that students develop the capacity of reflection from the classical principles of Philosophy and the applied deepening in the four areas of research proposed, so as to interpret the current human being from the philosophical-practical reflection.

Specific objectives

  • To develop the ability to identify the multidisciplinary relationship of human life.
  • To develop advanced knowledge to understand the fundamental features of anthropology.
  • To generate competencies to recognize the main ethical dimensions in a social context.
  • To build a space for interdisciplinary critical reflection to provide light to the orientation of education according to the idea of human being.
  • To apply philosophical reasoning to reflection on economics.
  • To contribute to the advancement of philosophy through the generation of new knowledge and its dissemination through research.

Lines of Research

The Doctoral Program in Philosophy is framed within three main lines of research:

  1. Political Philosophy
  2. Philosophy of Economics
  3. Social Ethics

Profile of Graduates

The graduate of the Doctoral Program in Philosophy at Universidad San Sabastian has a solid formation from the classical principles of Philosophy that allows him/her to develop original and independent research for the generation of new knowledge in topics related to the areas of Philosophy of Education; Philosophy of Economics; Political Philosophy and Social Ethics.

Based on their disciplinary and research training, graduates will be able to work in research, academia, school teaching, educational and business management and public or private organizations, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the development of their profession in current contexts.

At the end of the Doctoral Program in Philosophy, the graduate achieves the following performances:

  • Relates philosophical knowledge with the concerns and needs of society to question, conceptualize and make informed judgments in the area of education, politics, economics and social ethics.
  • Formulates relevant reflections on human reality based on the fundamental principles of philosophy in order to provide a contribution to the ethical, political, economic or educational debate of the contemporary world.
  • Develops relevant questions for the advancement of knowledge in one of the research lines of Philosophy of Education, Philosophy of Economics, Political Philosophy and Social Ethics.
  • Communicates knowledge and research results through publications or the exercise of his/her own profession.
  • Performs innovative teaching in higher education in accordance with the student-centered teaching-learning process.
  • Researches by applying methodological tools of the discipline to generate new knowledge in one of the research lines of the Program.


Visiting Professors

Mariano Bartoli
Doctor en Filosofía, Universidad Abat Oliba CEU, España.
Matías Petersen
Doctor en Economía Política, King’s College London, Reino Unido.

Admission process

To apply for the Doctorate in Philosophy at USS, applicants must demonstrate possession of a Bachelor’s and/or Master’s degree (or equivalent) indisciplines related to the program. Applicants who hold only a bachelor’s degree must demonstrate their research capacity.


Applicants who hold only a bachelor’s degree must demonstrate their research capacity. Applicants must submit the following documentation:

  • Certificate of bachelor’s degree and/or master’s degree (or its equivalent) indisciplines related to the program.
  • Transcripts from undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs. In the case of studies abroad, the evaluation scales used and the minimum approval grade must be clearly specified.
  • Certificate of placement ranking of the graduates of the same graduation cohort in their undergraduate and graduate studies. If the university does not issue this certificate, a letter from the institution will be required.
  • Updated curriculum vitae including presentations at congresses, publications, research and teaching.
  • Photocopy of identity card or passport.
  • Letter of interest explaining the reasons for applying to the program.
  • Two letters of recommendation, preferably from persons with the academic degree of doctor, sent directly by the recommenders to the application e-mail [email protected].
  • An essay of a maximum of 4,000 words that describes the research proposal that the applicant intends to develop during the doctoral studies, justifying the viability of the project.
  • Provide any other background information requested by the Academic Committee of the Program.
Selection process

The selection process will be conducted by the Academic Committee of the program and consists of the following stages:

  • Analysis of the applicant’s background.
  • Personal interview.
  • Selection process.
Annual cost

Referential values 2023

  • Tuition: $313.500
  • Fee: $3.135.100


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