
Doctorado en Biología Celular y Biomedicina

The PhD program in Cell Biology and Biomedicine trains researchers capable of contributing to the knowledge about the normal and pathological functioning of the cell and apply this knowledge to understand and control diseases that require better treatments or lack of treatment.




PhD/Doctor in Cell Biology and Biomedicine

Application Period

Extension to October 18, 2024.


8 semesters

Start Date

March 2024



Patricia Burgos, PhD.
Program Director
Andrea Gómez Z., PhD
Academic Secretary


The PhD program in Cell Biology and Biomedicine includes integrated and interactive courses, specialized laboratory practices, research units and development of an experimental thesis.

It trains students in the use of advanced techniques in Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Structural Biology (microinjection, state-of-the-art spectral confocal microscopy, live cell fluorescence microscopy, gene editing, structural bioinformatics).

It integrates the student to a wide network of collaborations and exchange opportunities with laboratories of prestigious national and international institutions.

It has large laboratory areas with modern design for experimental research in Los Leones campus, Providencia.


The main objective of the PhD program in Cell Biology and Biomedicine is to train scientists capable of conducting research of excellence in an independent and productive manner on topics that pose challenges to the knowledge of the cell, its molecular components and possible targets for new treatments.

It is a post-graduate academic instance aimed at graduates and Masters in Biology, Medicine, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biotechnology or professionals in the health area or with expertise in Biological Sciences, interested in pursuing research in Cell Biology and its Biomedical applications.


Lines of Research

The doctorate is organized around the following lines of research, corresponding to the areas of Cell Biology and Biomedicine, which include aspects based on structural biology and molecular biology and are addressed through the research topics and associated research projects.

The cellular processes included in these topics are treated by addressing their mechanisms and functions, as well as their alterations as a cause of disease and as a rationale for the search of new therapeutic targets, incorporating potential selective therapeutic targets according to structural bioinformatics. The aim is to provide treatments that have a positive impact on people’s health and quality of life.

1. Protein and membrane trafficking: mechanisms, functions and disease:
  • Endocytic, exocytic and secretory pathways (conventional and non-conventional), and mechanisms of cell polarity.
  • Role of organelles and their intra-membrane interactions in cell plasticity, signaling and metabolism.
  • Membranous vehicles (microvesicles and exosomes) in cell communication and their importance in cancer and obesity.
  • Structural and evolutionary basis of protein and membrane trafficking mechanisms.
2. Pathologies associated to autoantibodies, inflammation, metabolism and/or aging:
  • Neuronal dysfunction due to autoantibodies and neuropathologies, potential therapeutic targets.
  • Function and dysfunction of organelles and macromolecules in aging, inflammatory and metabolic pathologies, including the involvement of genome-environment interaction (epigenetics).
  • Molecular, celular and evolutionary mechanisms of inflammation.
  • Cellular and molecular mechanisms associated with muscular dystrophies.
3. Homeostasis, recycling and cellular plasticity: mechanisms and disease:
  • Autophagocytosis as a process of adaptation, recycling, cell turnover and survival, alterations and therapeutic potential in cancer, autoimmunity, obesity and aging.
  • Proteasome and ubiquitination in the quality control and degradation of normal and abnormal proteins.
  • Regulation of celular plasticity processes and their molecular alterations in the development of pathologies.
  • Formation and regulation of biomolecular condensates by liquid-liquid phase separation and their role in celular plasticity.
  • Cellular and molecular mechanisms under hypoxic conditions.
  • Intercellular communications in microenvironments.

Profile of Graduates

  • Generates new knowledge through significant experimental research in Cell Biology and its implications in Biomedicine, based on the ability to search, select and evaluate empirical information and the use of scientific literature in an exhaustive, reflexive and critical manner.
  • Develops interdisciplinary research projects with the highest levels of excellence and rigor, applying methodologies relevant to modern cell biology and biomedicine.
  • Communicates knowledge and research results through presentations at scientific congresses and publications in specialized journals.
  • Links scientific knowledge with the concerns and needs of society.


Claustro Académico

The Academic Faculty have a track record of excellence in research at national and international level, active participation in basic and applied research projects and extensive experience in the training of advanced human capital.

Enrique Brandan Siques
Enrique Brandan Siques Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, P. Universidad Católica de Chile.
Enrique Brandan Siques
Patricia Burgos Hitschfeld
Patricia Burgos Hitschfeld Doctora en Biología Celular y Molecular, P. Universidad Católica de Chile.
Patricia Burgos Hitschfeld
Jorge Cancino Henríquez
Jorge Cancino Henríquez Doctor en Biología Celular y Molecular, P. Universidad Católica de Chile.
Jorge Cancino Henríquez
Alejandro Godoy Sánchez
Alejandro Godoy Sánchez Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, Mención Biología Celular y Molecular; Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
Alejandro Godoy Sánchez
Alfonso González De la Rosa
Alfonso González De la Rosa Doctor en Ciencias con mención en Biología Celular, P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
Alfonso González De la Rosa
Bredford Kerr Fuentes
Bredford Kerr Fuentes Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, mención en Ciencias Fisiológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Chile.
Bredford Kerr Fuentes
Andrea Alejandra Leiva Mendoza
Andrea Alejandra Leiva Mendoza Doctora en Ciencias Médicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
Andrea Alejandra Leiva Mendoza
Gonzalo Mardones Cofré
Gonzalo Mardones Cofré Doctor en Biología Celular y Molecular, P. Universidad Católica de Chile.
Gonzalo Mardones Cofré
Soledad Matus Montero
Soledad Matus Montero Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas, P. Universidad Católica de Chile.
Soledad Matus Montero
Jaime Gutiérrez Pérez
Jaime Gutiérrez Pérez Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, Mención Biología Celular y Molecular, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
Jaime Gutiérrez Pérez
María Loreto Massardo Vega
María Loreto Massardo Vega Médico-Cirujano, Universidad de Chile, Chile/Especialidad en Reumatología, CONACEM, 1988, Chile
María Loreto Massardo Vega
Eugenia Morselli
Eugenia Morselli Doctor en Biología Celular y Molecular, Université Paris Sur (Paris XI), Francia.
Eugenia Morselli
Iván Ruminot Moraga
Iván Ruminot Moraga Doctor en Biología Celular y Molecular, Universidad Austral de Chile y Centro de Estudios Científicos, Chile.
Iván Ruminot Moraga
Andrea Soza Gajardo
Andrea Soza Gajardo Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, mención Biología Celular y Molecular, Humboldt Universität zu Berlín, Alemania.
Andrea Soza Gajardo
Cheril Tapia Rojas
Cheril Tapia Rojas Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, mención Biología Celular y Molecular, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Cheril Tapia Rojas
Manuel Varas Godoy
Manuel Varas Godoy Doctor en Biotecnología, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile. 
Manuel Varas Godoy
Rommy von Bernhardi
Rommy von Bernhardi Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Rommy von Bernhardi
María José Barrera Alvarado
María José Barrera Alvarado Doctora en Ciencias Biomédicas, Universidad de Chile.
María José Barrera Alvarado
Carlos Lagos Arévalo
Carlos Lagos Arévalo Doctor en Biotecnología, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile.
Carlos Lagos Arévalo
Carolina Añazco Oyarzún
Carolina Añazco Oyarzún Doctora en Ciencias mención Biología Celular y Molecular, Universidad Austral de Chile.
Carolina Añazco Oyarzún
Felipe Barros Olmedo
Felipe Barros Olmedo Doctor en Ciencias Biomédica, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
Felipe Barros Olmedo
Juan Cristóbal Opazo Carvallo
Juan Cristóbal Opazo Carvallo Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, mención Ecología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Juan Cristóbal Opazo Carvallo


Álvaro Lladser Caldera
Álvaro Lladser Caldera
Doctor en Ciencias Biomédicas, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
Leer más
Claudia Oyanedel Martínez
Claudia Oyanedel Martínez
Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas, mención Biología Celular y Molecular, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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Claudio Retamal Villarroel
Claudio Retamal Villarroel
Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, con mención en Biología Celular y Molecular, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile.
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Delia Chiarello Peñaranda
Delia Chiarello Peñaranda
Doctor en Ciencias, mención Bioquímica. Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas.
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María José Yáñez Henríquez
María José Yáñez Henríquez
Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas, mención Biología Celular y Molecular, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
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Rodrigo Pacheco Rivera
Rodrigo Pacheco Rivera
Doctor en Inmunología, Universidad de Barcelona, España.
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Ian Burbulis
Ian Burbulis
Doctor en Biología Molecular y Genética, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Estados Unidos.
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Paula Slater Guzmán
Paula Slater Guzmán
Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas mención en Biología Celular y Molecular, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
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Alberto Martin
Alberto Martin
Doctor en Ciencias de la Computación, University College of Dublin, Irlanda.
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Vicente Torres
Vicente Torres
Doctor en Bioquímica, Universidad de Chile.
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Paola Murgas Alcaíno
Paola Murgas Alcaíno
Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas mención Biología Celular y Molecuar PUC, Académica Universidad San Sebastián
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Rodrigo Maldonado Águila
Rodrigo Maldonado Águila
Bioquímico de la Universidad Austral de Chile. Phd por la Universidad Austral de Chile y la Universidad de Resgensburg, Alemania.
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María Loreto Massardo Vega
María Loreto Massardo Vega
Médico-Cirujano, Universidad de Chile, Chile/Especialidad en Reumatología, CONACEM, 1988, Chile
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Pamela Ehrenfeld
Pamela Ehrenfeld
Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas mención Biología Celular y Molecular, Universidad Austral de Chile.
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Raúl Araya Secchi
Raúl Araya Secchi
Doctor en Biotecnología, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile.
Leer más

USS Academic-Clinical

Fernando Chuecas
Médico Cirujano especialista en Medicina Interna, Hematología y Oncología, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción.

International Collaborators

List of international collaborators
  • Loretta del Mercato, Institute of Nanotechnology (NANOTEC), Lecce, Italia.
  • Stephanie Miserey-Lenkei, Instituto Curie, París, Francia
  • Li Yu, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
  • Per Uhlén, Karolinska Institutet, Estocolmo, Suecia
  • Felix Randow, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge
  • Luis DaSilva, Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Matías Ostrowski, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Gianluca Pollastri, University College Dublin Irlanda
  • Yesid Cuesta, Instituto Colombiano de Medicina Tropical, Medellín Colombia
  • Ernesto Pérez Rueda, UNAM, Mérida México
  • Danijela Vignjevic, Instituto Curie, París, Francia
  • Marcus Goncalves, Cornell University Medical College, NY, USA
  • Spencer Rosario, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, NY, USA
  • Mauro Costa-Mattioli, Altos Labs, CA, USA
  • Jay Storz, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
  • Federico Hoffmann, Mississippi State University, USA
  • Mariana F. Nery, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
  • Felipe Diaz-Griffero, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
  • Juan Bonifacino, National Institutes of Health, USA
  • Evzen Boura, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, República Checa
  • Laurent Desaubry, Center of Research in Biomedicine of Strasbourg, Francia
  • Roberto Vanacore, Vanderbilt Medical Center, USA

Admission Process

Selection Process
  • Evaluation of curriculum vitae: In this first phase, we will carefully review the curriculum vitae of each applicant. We look for relevant experience, skills and knowledge that match the requirements of the program to which you are applying.
  • Personal interview with the academic faculty: Applicants selected in the previous phase will be invited to a personal interview with some members of our academic staff. This interview is an opportunity to get to know us better, learn about your interests and expectations, and make sure there is a good fit between your profile and our curriculum.
  • Oral knowledge exam: The oral knowledge exam is a key stage in our selection process. Here we will evaluate your ability to analyze, discuss and present a scientific article relevant to your area of study.

Applicants who live outside the country or cannot travel to Santiago will have the possibility to take the interview, exam and presentation via videoconference. We want to provide equal opportunities to all candidates, regardless of their geographical location.

We are committed to guarantee a transparent and fair selection process for all applicants.

Inquiries to: [email protected]

Application Documents

Applicants must send their academic documents in original or notarized copy. If they have studies in foreign universities, the documents must be visaed and legalized as established in Article 345 and 345 BIS of the Code of Civil Procedure.

To send the documentation, you can send all the scanned information to the program email [email protected] or send your background through the application button.

Background information:

Interested applicants must submit the following background information:

  • Academic Degree: It is required to have a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Professional Degree in Basic Sciences, Biomedical Sciences or in some equivalent training area, provided that you have the ability to contribute to the development of research in the field of Cell Biology and Biomedicine.
  • Statement of purpose letter: Applicants should write a letter outlining a topic of interest relevant to their study and research during the program. It is also necessary to specify your short and long term research interests and goals. This letter should be no more than 800 words in length and demonstrate the applicant’s committed dedication.
  • Curriculum vitae: Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae that accredits their previous studies, as well as their participation in congresses, research publications and other relevant academic activities.
  • Two letters of recommendation: Two letters of recommendation from academic professionals should be included. These letters must be sent confidentially via e-mail to the Doctoral Program address.
  • Certificate of graduation ranking/graduation: A certificate must be submitted that explicitly indicates the applicant’s graduation ranking, as well as the total number of students in the applicant’s graduating class. If the university does not provide this certificate for undergraduate studies, a letter from the institution will be required. If applicable, it must also be complemented with the ranking certificate for graduate studies.
  • Transcripts of undergraduate and, if applicable, other advanced and graduate studies: Applicants must submit transcripts that clearly specify the evaluation scales used and the minimum passing grade.
  • Photocopy of identity card or passport: It is necessary to attach a photocopy of both sides of the identity card or passport valid at the time of application.

All this information is essential to evaluate the suitability of the applicants and to ensure that the program has highly qualified and motivated students. Each of the documents must be submitted in accordance with the instructions and requirements established in the program’s call for applications.


Referential values 2023

  • Tuition: $351,600
  • Fee: $3.500.000


Ask about applying for tuition scholarships, fees and maintenance benefits.


  • Cristóbal Cerda Troncoso, Academic Degree PhD in Cell Biology and Biomedicine (2022).
    Thesis: “Deciphering the adaptive mechanisms of chemoresistance to cisplatin in ovarian cancer cells”.
  • Gabriela Vargas Mardones, Academic Degree PhD in Cell Biology and Biomedicine (2022)
    Thesis: “Role of HERPUD1 stabilization and its UBL domain in the plasticity of the Endoplasmic Reticulum and its communication with other organelles”.
  • Diego Tapia Zamorano, Academic Degree Doctor in Cell Biology and Biomedicine (2022)
    Thesis: “KDEL receptor activation increases mitochondrial function and improves hippocampal-dependent memory in aged C57BL/6 mice”.
  • Tomás Jiménez Miranda, Academic Degree Doctor in Cell Biology and Biomedicine (2022)
    Thesis: “The GAL8-EGFR axis in the antitumor effects of D-Propanolol in T98G glioblastoma cells”.
  • Nicolás Albornoz Vergara, Academic Degree Doctor in Cellular Biology and Biomedicine (2023)
    Thesis: “Elucidating the function of the immunoproteasome in hypothalamic neurons in obesity”.”