
Doctorate in History

The PhD in History at Universidad San Sabastian, aims to train independent researchers capable of generating original and significant contributions to the development of historiography, who are able to dialogue with other related disciplines, to be inserted in the academy, as well as in the private and public sector.

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PhD/Doctor in History

Application Period



8 semesters

Start Date

March 2024


Presential (hibrid)


The PhD in History at Universidad San Sebastián was created in 2016. Being a young program, it has become a space for reflection and academic production dedicated to research, analysis and dissemination of historical knowledge. It is aimed at graduates, masters and professionals in the humanities, social sciences and related disciplines.

Objective of the Program

The PhD in History aims to train autonomous researchers capable of generating original and significant contributions to the development of Chilean historiography in a global context, who are able to dialogue with other related disciplines, inserting themselves in university teaching and research centers as academics and researchers, in the public and private spheres.

Line of Research

History of Republican Chile

Research topics:

  • State, politics and society
  • Political parties and militancy
  • Politics and gender
  • Organizations and socioeconomic processes
  • Nation and nationalism
  • Intellectuals, historiographies and representations
  • Circulations, exchanges and transnational connections

Profile of Graduates

The Doctoral Program in History at Universidad San Sebastián contemplates that its graduates will be researchers who:

  • Develop historical research, autonomously, through the review and analysis of contemporary documents and relevant historiography shaping their conclusions through a text that demonstrates critical and reflective capacity and that represents an original contribution to knowledge on the subject under investigation.
  • Integrate elements of theory and methods of the discipline, with rigor, honesty, responsibility and ethics to interpret reality from a historical perspective.
  • Evaluate historical processes of Chile considering perspectives of comparative history to explain national processes inserting them in a global context.
  • Communicate the results of their work using clear and understandable language for the target audience.


Admission Process


To be accepted into the Doctorate in History at Universidad San Sabastian, the applicant must undergo a selection process and be admitted by the Doctoral Committee of the program. The selection process consists of the following stages:

  • Analysis of the applicant’s background
  • Personal interview and knowledge test
  • Pre-selection process
Application requirements
  • Hold a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree in any discipline of the humanities, social sciences or related areas, awarded by a Chilean or foreign university. In the case of degrees granted by the latter, these must be equivalent to those mentioned above. The equivalence of foreign academic degrees will be based on the International Classification of Education (ISCED), created by UNESCO, in force at the date of application.
  • Provide the concentration of undergraduate and postgraduate grades, and other higher studies completed. The evaluation scales used and the minimum approval grade must be specified.
  • Submit a certificate of placement ranking of the graduates of the graduation cohort in their undergraduate and graduate studies.
  • Updated Curriculum Vitae, including the following aspects: publications, experience in research, university teaching, heritage management, and any other academic or professional activity related to history, humanities and social sciences.
  • Photocopy of identity card or Passport.
  • A letter stating the reasons for pursuing doctoral studies, the reasons for your interest in applying to this program and your commitment to participate.
  • Two letters of recommendation from academic professionals, sent confidentially via e-mail to the Doctoral Program address.
  • A research proposal of no more than 4,000 words, stating objectives and hypotheses together with methodology and state of the art, of the topic to be developed during the doctoral studies, substantiating the feasibility of the Project.
  • Provide any other background that may be of interest to the Academic Committee of the Program.
Annual cost

Referential values 2023

  • Tuition: $353.100.-
  • Fee: $3.292.000.-


CNA accredited program: Students can apply for ANID scholarships.

Ask about applying for internal scholarships for tuition, fees and maintenance benefits.


  • Ricardo Perez de Arce, Academic Degree Doctor in History (2021)
    Thesis: “Labor Law as a Political Tool. The Evolution of Labor Law Institutions in a Time of Revolutions (1964-1973).”
  • Gustavo Gajardo Pávez, Academic Degree Doctor in History (2021).
    Thesis: “Chile and the German Democratic Republic 1954 – 1994. International Relations, Diplomacy, Exile and Reciprocity.”
  • María Cecilia Morán Tello, Academic Degree PhD in History (2021).
    Thesis: “First Ladies From charity to a policy of social action: Juana Aguirre, Rosa Markmann, Graciela Letelier and María Ruíz-Tagle.”
  • Pedro Valenzuela Reyes, Academic Degree Doctor in History (2021).
    Thesis: “From Servants to Servants. The Modernization of Domestic Service in Santiago and Concepción 1860-1890.”
  • Matías Alvarado Leyton, Academic Degree PhD in History (2022).
    Thesis: “The cultural institutionality of the Chilean military regime, 1973-1989”.
  • Mauricio Ibarra Zoellner, Academic Degree Doctor in History (2024).
    Thesis: “The German military influence in the Chilean Army, experiences and implications (1885-1942)”.