
Doctorate in Theoretical Physics

The goal of the Doctoral Program in Theoretical Physics is to train independent researchers who can significantly contribute to the advancement of theoretical physics.

Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Doctoral Programs.


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Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics

Application Period



8 semesters

Start Date

March 2025



Dra. Almeira Sampson S.
Secretary of Studies


The Doctoral Program in Theoretical Physics responds to the need for highly qualified researchers in physics contributing to the discipline and to the scientific development of the country. In addition, its graduates will train future generations of physicists will communicate science to the general public and pursue scientific careers in academia.

This PhD program is framed within the institutional challenge of advancing to a higher level of complexity, incorporating research and postgraduate development to contribute to science and to train skilled researchers to solve complex problems. This program focuses on the consolidation of research skills in theoretical physics and the interface between physics and mathematics.

This program stands out for its regional quality. It is conceived with a large parte of its faculty linked to the Valdivia campus, with presence also in Santiago and Concepción and projection to Puerto Montt, thus offering a new option for advanced training in physics to students from the southern regions of Chile. This program is the first of its kind in the scenic Los Ríos Region, which makes it an ideal environment for the training of new scientists.


General goal

The Doctoral Program in Theoretical Physics aims to train independent researchers with advanced knowledge in physics to conduct original research contributing to the advancement of theoretical physics.

This training will allow graduates to integrate research teams, formulate and solve complex scientific problems autonomously, with integrity, responsibly and with a solid ethical basis, generating new knowledge and transmitting it to society.

Specific goals

  • To train doctoral students through advanced studies in theoretical physics, in the areas of interactions and fundamental constituents of nature and of the universe at large enabling them to contribute to the resolution of complex scientific problems in an autonomous, responsible and ethical manner.
  • To enable doctoral students with the methodologies and capacity to propose and promote research projects and teams oriented to the generation of new knowledge in the field of physics.
  • To provide skills to communicate their research results and university teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels in the field of physics.

Research lines

The program will focus initially on the development of two main lines of research:

  • High energy physics, to study the fundamental interactions and constituents of nature.
  • Gravitation and cosmology, to study the universe at large.
  • Additional lines of research may be added in the future, according to the evolution of knowledge and the incorporation of new researchers.

Black holes, cosmology, extensions of gravitation theory, extended spacetime symmetries.

High Energy Physics

Quantum field theory, particle physic, physics beyond the Standard Model.

Profile of graduates

The Doctor in Theoretical Physics of Universidad San Sebastián (USS) is an independent researcher with advanced knowledge in theoretical physics, capable of conducting original research in the areas covered by the research lines of the Program, contributing to the advancement of the discipline.

Graduates are qualified to integrate research teams, formulate and solve complex scientific problems, and to generate and communicate new knowledge.

PhD graduates from USS possess the necessary skills to work autonomously, responsibly and with a strong ethical commitment in academia and public and/or private research centers, nationally and internationally.

The Doctor in Theoretical Physics of the Universidad San Sebastián is a graduate who:

  • Develops original research contributing significant new knowledge in the field of the program’s lines of research for the advancement of theoretical physics.
  • Integrate research teams for the development of complex scientific problems with methodological and ethical rigor, inserted in an academic environment or national and international research centers.
  • Communicates the results obtained through publications and communications in scientific congresses and to the general public.
  • Performs teaching in higher education in accordance with the student-centered teaching-learning process.



Pedro Álvarez Núñez
Pedro Álvarez Núñez Doctor en Ciencias mención Física, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Pedro Álvarez Núñez
Paola Arias Reyes
Paola Arias Reyes Doctora en Ciencias mención Física, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
Paola Arias Reyes
Claudio Bunster Weitzman
Claudio Bunster Weitzman Doctor en Física, Universidad de Princeton, Estados Unidos.
Claudio Bunster Weitzman
Fabrizio Canfora Tartaglia
Fabrizio Canfora Tartaglia Doctor en Física, Universidad de Salerno, Italia.
Fabrizio Canfora Tartaglia
Marcela Cárdenas Lisperguer
Marcela Cárdenas Lisperguer Doctora en Ciencias Físicas, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
Marcela Cárdenas Lisperguer
Hernán González Leiva
Hernán González Leiva Doctor en Física, P. Universidad Católica de Chile.
Hernán González Leiva
Fernando Izaurieta Aranda
Fernando Izaurieta Aranda Doctor en Ciencias Físicas, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
Fernando Izaurieta Aranda
Marcela Lagos Flores
Marcela Lagos Flores Doctora en Ciencias Físicas, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
Marcela Lagos Flores
Marcelo Loewe Lobo
Marcelo Loewe Lobo Doctor en Física, Dr. Nat (Physik), Universidad de Hamburgo, Alemania.
Marcelo Loewe Lobo
Cristián Martínez Silva
Cristián Martínez Silva Doctor en Física, Universidad de Chile.
Cristián Martínez Silva
Alfredo Pérez Donoso
Alfredo Pérez Donoso Doctor en Ciencias Físicas, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
Alfredo Pérez Donoso
Ricardo Troncoso Pérez
Ricardo Troncoso Pérez Doctor en Ciencias mención Física, Universidad de Chile.
Ricardo Troncoso Pérez
Mauricio Valenzuela Uribe
Mauricio Valenzuela Uribe Doctor en Ciencias mención Física, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Mauricio Valenzuela Uribe
Jorge Zanelli Iglesias
Jorge Zanelli Iglesias Doctor en Física, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Estados Unidos.
Jorge Zanelli Iglesias



Applications are made through the digital platform of Universidad San Sebastián accesible at the top of the page through the button “Apply Here”.

Applicants must upload their certificates, degrees, transcripts or grades and academic history documents, in original or notarized copy. In the case of degrees or diplomas awarded by foreign universities, the accompanying documents must be endorsed and legalized in accordance with Article 345 BIS of the Chilean Code of Civil Procedure.

The requirements and background to apply for the PhD in Theoretical Physics are the following:

  • Certificates of degree or academic degree of Bachelor and/or Master in Physics, Mathematics, and/or related disciplines. Academic degrees of foreign origin must be equivalent to those mentioned in the International Classification of Education (ISCED-UNESCO). If the applicant has other studies, he/she must also attach his/her advanced and postgraduate studies.
  • Undergraduate and, when applicable, graduate transcripts, clearly specifying the evaluation scales used and the minimum passing grade.
  • Certificate of the ranking of the applicant indicating the place occupied with respect to the total number of students of his/her graduating class. If the University does not issue such certificate, a letter from the institution must be attached. When applicable, complement with the ranking certificate of graduate studies.
  • Curriculum vitae including: academic record, presentations at conferences, scientific publications, extension activities, among other activities relevant to the application.
  • A statement of no more than 800 words specifying your short- and medium-term research interests and objectives.
  • Each applicant must request letters of recommendation from two professionals familiar with his or her academic background, who should send them confidentially to the program’s e-mail address, indicating the applicant’s name.
  • Photocopy of both sides of your ID card or passport.

The selection process consists of two stages:

1st Analysis of the applicants’ background:

The academic background, curriculum vitae, letters of recommendation and statement of purpose of each applicant will be reviewed by the Academic Committee of the Program. Pre-selected students will be called to continue with the second stage of the process.

2nd Personal interview and knowledge test:

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to a personal interview and to take an assessment test evaluate the applicant’s proficiency in:

  1. Classical Mechanics
  2. Quantum Mechanics
  3. Statistical Mechanics
  4. Electrodynamics

In the case of applicants who reside abroad or cannot travel to the place where the evaluation will take place, the process will be carried out by videoconference.


Graduate studies at Universidad San Sebastián require a monthly tuition fee of $350,000 Chilean Pesos (approx. 360 USD)* for ten months per year. The PhD Program in Theoretical Physics, however, only admits students who have a scholarship that covers this expense, but also covers support for food and lodging at a reasonable level. *(Values for 2024).


See application for tuition scholarships, fees and maintenance benefits.